Brandon Renfroe – Acts 3-4 – The Second Gospel Sermon and Its Result


Was there more than one Jewish hour of prayer? How often do you pray?
Why might this porch have been called Solomon’s?
What is the difference between Bible miracles and modern-day “miracles”?
Who is the murderer alluded to in Acts 3:14?
List the different expressions found in Acts 3:12-26 referring to Jesus
What verse resembles Acts 3:19? At what point does one turn to the Lord?
What is implied by Acts 3:23?
  • How did Peter and John qualify as “witnesses”? 
(verse 15)
What is found in Acts 4:1-3 could be called the first ______of the church.
Why were the Sadducees concerned about the apostles’ teaching?
Why were the Sadducees concerned about the apostles’ teaching?
The group listed in Acts 4:5-6 is known to us as the _______.
What order did this group give? How did the apostles respond?
Name a TRAIT of Peter and John’s preaching
Did the council deny the miracle performed by Peter and John?
Acts 4:24-30 represents a _______ for _______.
Upon what was the early Christians’ fellowship based?